Predictions made for locations 1-5m metres from urban A-roads and, at locations away from major roads, on a 1x1km grid. These model outputs are typically (but not uniquely) annual mean concentrations. Modelled background and roadside air quality concentration maps from Defra's national Pollution Climate Model (PCM). Local Authority Carbon Dioxide emissions statistics.Air quality pollutant emission maps for the UK and Devolved Administrations.Defra & Devolved Administration funded automatic and non-automatic air quality monitoring networks.Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) in the UK.UK's European air quality management zones.Modelled air quality concentration maps.More information on the OGC® Web Map Service Interface Standard.

You are free to use these layers in any WMS aware desktop GIS client and to consume them in a third party server applications within the terms of the OGL.

The WMS layers hosted by UK-AIR are published and licensed under the Open Government Licence. The GetCapabilities hyperlinks listed below will return parameters about the WMS such as map image format, WMS version compatibility, available layers, map bounding box, coordinate reference systems, URI of the data etc. This services standard provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images.

UK-AIR's viewing services are published via a WMS conforming to the OGC® Web Map Service Interface Standard.

The sections below describe the WMS data layers hosted. UK-AIR hosts a range of Web Map Services (WMS) to support viewing of spatial air quality and emissions datasets generated by the monitoring and modelling evidence programmes of Defra and the Devolved Administrations.